Report on the Embroidery Workshop for Women

Workshop name: Hand embroidery workshop - women

Venue: The Center for the Protection of Syrian Cultural Heritage in Maartmisrin

Implementing agency: The Center of Syrian Cultural Heritage Protection

Start date: 9/15/2021AD

Workshop end date: 9/19/2020 the materials collected 10 days later

Workshop duration: 4 days


Introduction to the art of embroidery: It is an art of decorating using stitches on textiles or similar materials using a sewing needle and thread, and stitches can be combined to draw endless embroidered drawings, including animals, plants, humans, abstract formations,

various fabrics, threads, and needles are used in embroidery with different types and sizes, and basic stitches are limited in shapes in the art of embroidery. Embroidery may also include other materials such as metallic ribbons, pearls, beads, feathers, and sequins. Embroidery is often found in hats, coats, blankets, shirts, and other clothing

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