Mid-Project Report: Stabilization and Reinforcemen...
20 / June / 2019
On January 2, two missiles from an airstrike on Ma’arrat Al-Numan Museum (Murad Pasha Caravansary) caused significant damage to the structure as described below: The following phases of the Ma’arra Musem First Aid Emergency Support Project have been completed/are in progress: P...

Reconstructing Collapsed Wall on the West Side at...
20 / June / 2019
Project title: Emergency intervention in Ma’arrat al-Noman Museum to rebuild the collapsed wall on the west side of the hallway to the lavatories. Location: Ma’arrat al-Noman Museum in Ma’arrat al-Noman, Idlib governorate Contractor: Cultural Heritage Center Start date: Septembe...

Emergency Intervention: Reinforcing the North Wal...
20 / June / 2019
Project title: Emergency intervention at Ma’arrat al-Numan Museum to reinforce the northern wall and repair damage to the roof and walls exposed to the elements. Location: Ma’arrat al-Numan Museum in Ma’arrat al-Numan, Idlib governorate Contractor: Cultural Heritage Center Start da...

Stabilization and Reinforcement of the North West...
20 / June / 2019
Project Name: Emergency intervention at Ma’arrat al-Numan museum to reinforce the north west corner - entrance of the third wing. Location: Ma’arrat al-Numan museum located in the city of Ma’arrat al-Numan in Idlib province Contractor: Syrian Cultural Heritage Center Start date: Ju...

Final Report: Protection of Mosaics Ma’arrat Al-Nu...
19 / June / 2019
Project Name: Emergency intervention at Ma’arrat al-Numan to protect exposed mosaics on display and in storage. Location: Ma’arrat al-Numan museum is located in the city of Ma’arrat al-Numan in Idlib province. Contractor: Syrian Cultural Heritage Center Start date: June 1st, 2018 E...

Inventorying and Labelling Artifacts with Smart Wa...
19 / June / 2019
Final report on inventorying and labelling artifacts in Ma’arrat al-Numan Museum with Smart Water Project title: Emergency intervention in Ma’arrat al-Numan Museum to inventory and label artifacts with Smart Water Location: Ma’arrat al-Numan Museum in Ma’arra...